I am a Year 8 student at Glen Innes School. I am in Room 11 and my teacher is Mrs Ramkolowan.
Thursday, 19 November 2015
Wednesday, 18 November 2015
Reading Easttle 2015
Tuesday, 17 November 2015
Maths Easttle 2015
Monday, 16 November 2015
Tuesday, 10 November 2015
Jobs linked to the All Blacks
Out of all the jobs, I would like to be a dietitian for the All Blacks because I get to help them keep fit for their big games. I also get to pick out healthy food for them. The other reason is because I love picking out food and preparing/planning on what to eat. I also like looking at what is inside the food for example protein and calories. Since the All Blacks are all male I would have to research a lot on getting them strong and healthy. I would also love to be great friends with the All Blacks.
Friday, 6 November 2015
All Blacks Parade
Congratulations All Blacks on bringing the Webb Ellis cup home. I'm really disappointed that I didn't get to celebrate with you. I had school which is important. Next time please have the celebration in Auckland on the weekends or after school.
Wednesday, 4 November 2015
RWC Double Bar Graph
Walt: use online tools to draw a double bar graph.
Watched Didn’t watch
10 7 3 7
I made a double bar graph to work out how many students watched the RWC finals. This data was collected by the show of hands. There were more boys who watched the game then girls. 10 students, 3 boys and 7 girls who didn’t watch the game. I think the girls and boys didn’t want to watch the game because they don’t have any interest in rugby or because they didn't wake up in the morning. Robin was the closest of guessing the score. His guess was 32-17 and it was the closest to 34-17.
Tuesday, 3 November 2015
Aluminium Foil Art
Today I finished off my art. We did tin foil art and it was so fun to make. We first drew my picture on the tin foil then coloured it in with the vivid markers. I am really proud of how my art came out.
As you can see I drew Mickey Mouse.
Monday, 2 November 2015
Finger painting with Starch
Walt: finger paint with starch
This is my art that I made with starch. As you can see it is very colourful. The texture was hot and gooey. I felt like a five year old again but with more talent.
This is my art that I made with starch. As you can see it is very colourful. The texture was hot and gooey. I felt like a five year old again but with more talent.
Friday, 30 October 2015
All Blacks vs Wallabies
Go All Bllacks!!!!
I just want to say good luck to the All Blacks on Sunday because they are competing against the Wallabies. I really hope they bring the Webb Ellis Cup home to NZ. I'm really exciited to see the game. My prediction for the game is 54 - 20 to the All blacks.
I just want to say good luck to the All Blacks on Sunday because they are competing against the Wallabies. I really hope they bring the Webb Ellis Cup home to NZ. I'm really exciited to see the game. My prediction for the game is 54 - 20 to the All blacks.
Tuesday, 27 October 2015
Improving my Recount Writing
Click here to check out my powtoon about improving my recount writing
Click here to check out my powtoon about improving my recount writing
Friday, 23 October 2015
Basic Facts Term 4
Walt: writing a reflection on my basic facts result.
I got a score of 684, in my last test I got 668. I improved but I got a little mixed up in my HCF. I turned the factors into multiples. I think I am at my national level. I want to practice more examples for my next e-asttle or PAT maths tests. I want to atleast get to a 5B. I also want to practice more HCF.
Monday, 19 October 2015
Congratulations All Blacks!
I would just like to congratulate the All Blacks on beating France. It was a very good game, I enjoyed watching it. I hope in the upcoming game, the All Blacks beat South Africa too, good luck!
Friday, 16 October 2015
Making Comparisons
Walt: Make comparisons
This week for reading we had to make comparisons. They first gave us an example and completed it for me. I had to fill in the next one. I thought it was a bit difficult because it really made me think. I enjoyed doing it. I would like to practice more of this next time.
Thursday, 10 September 2015
Attributes (Andrea,Shanelle and Yazmin)
Walt: write collaboratively.
Purpose: To improve my behaviour to make me more acceptable in society. While planting fruit trees at school three friends find an old dirty lamp. They decided to wipe the dirt off the lamp when suddenly a genie appeared and promised to grant them three wishes. Each friend was allowed one wish.
“Wishes!” they all gasped. Shanelle shooted her hand in the air because she wanted to go first. “Please! Please! Can I go first?” Shanelle asked. Andrea and Yazmin agreed so that they had time to think of their own wish.
Shanelle wished:
“I wish to be kind. I always listen when others are having their turn to speak. I raise my hand instead of interrupting someone. Instead of saying “ you made us lose.” I always say “that’s okay” or “ just try harder next time.” If I treat people kindly then I will be treated kindly as well. At times I do get angry and I won’t be that kind but I try to improve on that. To improve I will try not to get upset at times so that everyday is a calm and relaxed. I should try and take deep breaths to calm myself down.”
Shanelle finished her wish and next was Andrea. She tightly shut her eyes and wished;
“If I had one wish, I would wish for everyone to be candid like me. I have always had candid conversations with my teacher, friends and family. I am honest and straightforward with whoever I speak to. Whenever I get the chance to speak to a visitor in our classroom, our discussion is mostly truthful. Most of my conversations have been direct. Not only at home and at school, but also in the community. I am still getting used to having candid conversations with other people and even some students at my school. Sometimes, I lie to people to protect the people I care about. So I am trying to improve on this.”
Then it was Yazmin’s turn.
Yazmin wished:
“I wish to be courteous.I want to listen to my friends, family and elders while they are explaining something. I also want to let my friends or anybody else go first before I do. I love to use my manners to others. I want to show people how polite I am. I want to help my mum or dad with their chores from putting the groceries away to washing the dishes. While on the other hand I’m really clumsy/lazy so I want to try and improve my weaknesses. I will try and cope with all my work and chores.”
The genie had granted their wishes and everyone’s behaviour had changed. The genie disappeared with a snap of his fingers and as for the three best friends, they travelled the globe to discover more lamps and genies.
Monday, 7 September 2015
Maths Easttle Results - Term 3
Walt: Study my easttle results.
This is my Easttle score for term 3. I got a 3A and I’m pretty disappointed about it. I need to learn more about estimating and solving problems with fractions of whole numbers or decimals. I think I should do more fraction and decimals activities. I hope to get a 4A/5B in the next easttle test. I also hope to learn more stratagies.
Thursday, 3 September 2015
New Flag for New Zealand
Friday, 28 August 2015
The Black Piranha
The Black Piranha
Walt: write a story
Black piranha’s are known to have the sharpest teeth on earth. One bite and a fountain of blood will spew out. I once went to South America and caught a piranha but did not know that it wasn’t dead. I wanted to take a look at its teeth and “SNAP!” I got bitten like it was a gunshot through my finger. My hand hit the ground as I was so scared and hurt.
The black piranha are deadly monsters in the jungle waters. The black piranha was very dark in colour. It wasn’t a real monster because of its small size. It had a bundle of superior choppers which meant their teeth were as sharp as a knife. They had burning red eyes that really popped out with colour. The piranha’s are distinctive and have a stocky body like a bulldog. They are very maneuverable which means they move incredibly quickly. The piranha’s hunt on their own at unbelievably fast pace. They have a tatty tail because piranha's are cannibalistic. They usually take a big chunk of their own kind but still keep the piranhas alive.
At first I thought that sharks were dangerous. It’s so amazing how there are many deadly sea creatures in this world but also really scary at the same time. Next time I will travel a country where there are no deadly creatures. I’ve been through it and I’m not making the same mistake.
Wednesday, 19 August 2015
Monday, 17 August 2015
Milo Cup Art
Walt: Design our own NZ milo mug.
We first had to draw 4/5 NZ designs on paper without copying from the computer.
Next we had to choose 1 and outline it on the cup with pencil.
The last step was to follow the outlines that we made with a marker/vivid.
We first had to draw 4/5 NZ designs on paper without copying from the computer.
Next we had to choose 1 and outline it on the cup with pencil.
The last step was to follow the outlines that we made with a marker/vivid.
Friday, 14 August 2015
Glen Innes School
Glen Innes School
Walt: write an information report on Glen Innes School.
Glen Innes School is located in Eastview Road in the Eastern Suburbs, Auckland New Zealand. There are at least 210 students at this school. Glen Innes is a co-ed school and is open to the public.
Glen Innes is a full primary school which includes year 1- year 8 students separated into a junior and senior block. The school also has a kindergarten next to it. Glen Innes has its own swimming pool which they use in term 1.
Glen Innes School is opened from Monday to Friday, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm. Glen Innes started in 1955. Glen Innes School was originally an industrial working place which consisted of mainly Pakeha people. As the Pasifika population grew, the Pakeha left resulting in Pacific Islanders populating 99% of Glen Innes and its school.
The principal of this school is Mr.Hendricks. He prepares all the activities and trips for the school. There are most probably 12 teachers at this school. There are also some teacher aids here at Glen Innes school to help the children who are struggling in class.
There is also a breakfast club here for the children whose parents aren’t able to provide breakfast. The groundskeeper is named Mr.Shawn who helps the maintenance of the school, with the breakfast club, and many exciting things.
Thursday, 13 August 2015
Poem About Me
Poem About Me
Extraordinary student advising rapidly
Prepared baker decorating gently
Passionate singer practising loudly
Muddy gardener planting effortly
Wednesday, 12 August 2015
Maths Week
Maths Week
In this game I had to answer questions. The questions got harder as you go up the level. You also get money as you complete each question. The questions were quite easy. I got all correct and got $1024. This game was really fun to play. Next I would like more challenging questions.
Monday, 3 August 2015
Equivalent Fractions
On studyladder we had to learn about equivalent fractions. We also had to learn how to add and subtract the fractions. This was easy because I learnt it last year. I got 10 out of 10.
Friday, 31 July 2015
Thursday, 30 July 2015
The Chief of Te urewera: Tama's Revenge
The Chief of Te urewera: Tama’s Revenge
walt: Create a Maori myth (narrative)
walt: write an impactful introduction to our Maori myth.
Stomp, Stomp! Every step was as loud as the step of an enormous elephant. In the bright island of Te urewera lived a chief named Manaaki. The island had the softest sand and the most crystallized water. He was extremely loving and never gave up on anything. His eyes were as deep as the ocean blue. The only person that disliked him was Tama. Who knows what Manaaki had done to make Tama hate him.
One day Chief Manaaki questioned Tama “what do you want from me?” his reply was, “ Nothing! I don’t want anything from you, you mean big head!.” Tama was full of hatred boiling like a hot cauldron inside. Manaaki asked him “Is my head really that big?” while feeling his head. “OMG! just leave!” Tama shouted.
Three days later Tama was absolutely fed up, so he decided to kill Chief Manaaki. Later in the night Manaaki fell asleep. That was when Tama got thirsty for revenge. He got his patu and snuck out where Manaaki was sleeping. Clang! Tama stopped and realised that he had knocked something over, the feeling of fear spread across his face whilst looking over at Manaaki’s face. What he didn’t know was when Manaaki hears something loud he knows when someone is around and starts pretending to sleep. Tama had his patu over his head, suddenly Manaaki woke up and ran to get his patu. Tama and Manaaki started battling throughout the night.
Tama and Manaaki fought, pillow shreds floating everywhere as the patu’s flew all over the place shredding and smashing Manaaki’s belongings until they exhausted themselves. Manaaki popped the question to Tama “Why are you so mad at me? What have I done to make you so upset?” Tama began to explain, “Well, remember centuries ago we had competed in many activities, and in all those activities you won? I thought we were friends, you didn’t know how much I wanted those trophies!”
“Oh so this is what its all about!” Sighed the chief relieved to finally understand, “I still want to be friends with you. I’m really sorry Tama and to make it up to you I want to give you one of my trophies” Manaaki replied while handing the trophy over to Tama. Tama cried with excitement “Thank you so much and it’s alright and I would love to be your friend as well!” tears falling down his face as he grinned from one ear to the next.
A few months later, Tama and Manaaki were the best of friends and they worked on everything together. A Few days later they had just won their first battle against other people from another island. From there, Tama and Manaaki promised each other they would stick together no matter what.
Tuesday, 28 July 2015
Speed Way Maths
walt: Add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers
In this game you will have to add and subtract 2 fractions. At first it was easy but then I had to add and subtract till its simplest form. Thats when I got confused but I got it. My accuracy was 71% because I missed some of the questions. This game is very fun to play. I hope next time I could get 100%.
Thursday, 23 July 2015
Wednesday, 8 July 2015
Python Takes Action
Walt: write a combined story.
Pythons Taking Action
African pythons are known to be poisonous and very deadly, they also can have rapid speed on their prey. African pythons obviously live in Africa near the river side where most animals live. The python will eat any animal that it finds. They have scales as much as a fish, they also are really long. African pythons slither fast but quietly because they do not want their prey to notice them.
When python's search for its prey they go to the river as that is where all animals go to drink water. As the python soon reached the water it saw a hippo in the water and hippos are the most deadliest animals. Slithering out of the water it camouflages itself to hide away from the hippo. The python camouflaged the whole night waiting patiently for the hippo to go away.
As the night goes by, the hippo falls asleep. Thats when the python takes action. As midday comes by, it got ready for his ambush. When the springbok was in place it waited for the correct timing and exploded out of the water for its jaw open wide. Squeezing the springbok and coiling around it the python soon swallowed it whole.
Pythons don’t need to eat for another whole year because the springboks are really huge. The more the pythons eat the longer they can survive without food. As soon as the year goes by the pythons start to hunt for food again. Pythons can also stay underwater for 15 minutes, if they need to breathe they will only put their nostrils out of the water.
Refllections: I think it was really easy working with others, because after combining our paragraphs we changed some sentences to make it work. I think we should write combined stories more often.
Monday, 6 July 2015
Thursday, 2 July 2015
Problem Solving W11
Walt: Solve problems using ratio and proportion.
I had to solve this problem with ratios, multiplication and division. At first it was hard but once my teacher explained how to do it, it became easier. I got the problem correct because I knew my multiplication and division facts. Next time I want to learn more about algebra.
Monday, 29 June 2015
Basic Facts
I am really proud of my basic facts because on stage 7 I got only 1 wrong. Next I am going to try harder to get all correct on stage 8.
Friday, 26 June 2015
Procedural Writing
Walt: write a procedure for making jam biscuits
Success Criteria: use a verb to begin every step in the method.
Ingredients :
½ a cup of butter
½ a cup of sugar
1 egg
2 cups of flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tbsp milk
Jam ( any flavour )
Method :
Preheat the oven to 180°
Warm up the butter to make it soft.
Add the butter to a bowl.
Measure the sugar and add it to the bowl.
Cream the butter and sugar together.
Crack the egg and add it to the bowl.
Combine the egg with the butter and sugar.
Measure the flour and add to the bowl along with the baking powder.
Pour 2 tbsp of milk.
Mix it all up until it becomes doughy.
Grab a spoonful and shape it into a ball.
Make a dent in the middle of the ball with your finger.
Place the ball into a tray.
Add some jam to the middle where you made the dent.
Insert the tray into the oven and bake it for 15 minutes.
Wednesday, 10 June 2015
Tuesday, 9 June 2015
Happy Birthday!
The people above are celebrating birthdays today.
Donald Duck is 81 years old today. Walt Disney created him in 1934. He has been the funniest cartoon character for me when I was a little kid. His full name is Donald Fauntleroy Duck. Happy birthday Donald Duck.
Koliata is 13 years old today. He is one of my classmate. He is a really funny actor when it comes to making movies with him at school. I just wanted to wish him a happy 13th birthday.
Mrs. Mary has been in our school for a very long time. She is more than a office lady at our school. I also hope she has a fantastic birthday.
Jump Rope for Heart
Monday, 8 June 2015
Maths Easttle Results
This is my maths easttle result. I am actually really happy with my score because I am at the national standard. You can see that I got a 4b. To improve I need to learn number sense and operations. Then I can use this knowledge to solve maths problems. Hopefully this will give me a better easttle result.
Friday, 5 June 2015
World Enviroment Day
Word Problems
Walt: 2 or 3 step problems.
In this game I had to help Sam with his shopping. I also had to use British coins. This game was really easy to play because I had a good understanding of using money. I hope I get to play some other game like this but more challenging.
Thursday, 28 May 2015
Additon and Subtraction
Walt: Solve problems
This was a problem solving game. I got 5 out of 5. All you had to do was just solve the problem with addition and subtraction.Since I knew how to do addition and subtraction It was really easy for me. Next time I want to do more problems but a bit more challenging.
Friday, 15 May 2015
Raewyn Harris Maori Art

I was inspire to do this art by Raewyn Harris. She is a teacher and artist from Hawkes Bay, Auckland.
Thursday, 7 May 2015
Our New Uniforms
Glen Innes School
38- 40 Eastview Road
Glen Innes
Room 11
Dear Mr Steve and Sponsors
I would just like to take my time and say a huge thank you to the BLK sponsors for our fabulous senior t-shirts. I appreciate all your time and effort you have put into helping us.
I think these t-shirts are perfect because we finally get a school t-shirt that is different to the juniors. I like these t-shirts because instead of green we present ourselves in black. I’m quite jealous that the year 7 students get to wear it for 2 years, since I’m a year 8 I can only wear it for a year. I am so proud of my new school t-shirt and I think my parents will be too.
All of the seniors look smart in their new uniforms and we hope to keep it that way. I also hope it changes the way the seniors behave and think. I know I’m going to change. I am eternally grateful and I am so happy that we have you in our lives. Then again thank you very much.
Yours faithfully
Wednesday, 6 May 2015
Cook Strait Kate
When Kate was 7 she had a dream to swim Cook Strait, and she wanted to be the yougest to swim Cook Strait. Ever since then she had been praticing 1 and a half hour everyday. She had a dream and never gave up on it. I think that was a brave thing to do. Practice, practice, practice, makes it perfect.
Monday, 4 May 2015
Perimeter and Area
Walt: solve problems using perimeter and area
I remember perimeter is the area around the surface. I would use perimeter if I am measuring something. I remember area is the surface. I would use area if I am moving furniture around.
I have a good understanding of perimeter and area. For me to get better at this would be to have more lessons on it. I got 2 green smiley faces which means I got a score of 80 to 100%.
Friday, 1 May 2015
Saturday, 25 April 2015
Lest We Forget
Walt: Comemorating Anzac Day.
We assembled the crosses first in the classroom.
We then went outside and planted the crosses into the soil. We did this to remember the New Zealand soldiers who died in WW1. I made the cross for M.Anthony. He was only 21 when he died.
We assembled the crosses first in the classroom.
We then went outside and planted the crosses into the soil. We did this to remember the New Zealand soldiers who died in WW1. I made the cross for M.Anthony. He was only 21 when he died.
Tuesday, 21 April 2015
Friday, 3 April 2015
Write A Letter To My Parents
Walt: write a letter.
Suez Canal Camp,
April 1918
Dear mum and dad.
How are you all? Don’t worry because I’m okay, I’m here to say that I miss you all and I hope you are all okay. In my short little rests I think about you.
The weather was slightly different here because there was a storm that came 2 days ago. It was very cold and it got everything wet. My blankets were all cold and muddy. I had to sleep with leaves and grass on my bed. It was very uncomfortable. The day after the storm was a bit warmer because the sun decided to come and the mud dried up.
For dinner well, you know what soldiers eat. I ate canned corn beef and soggy bread and for dessert I had wet biscuits. The food is okay but you know I don’t want to starve. Mum, if you can. Can you send me your lovely fresh cookies please?
I have been making lots of new friends and at the same time I have been battling the enemies. I haven’t been awfully injured but a little bruise had happened. While I was hiding from the enemies I didn’t look where I was going and tripped over a huge rock. Thanks to my friend, she had a first aid kit and use it to heal my bruise. The bruise is fine now.
I haven’t been shot or anything but you know I have been training to use a gun properly. Dad, don’t worry because I know how to handle a gun now. I’m not scared anymore.
If you can, please reply. I love you and you will always be in my heart. I will see you in a few months time, but for now please take care.
Miss you very much.
Your Loving
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