Walt: write a recount.
On Wednesday 25th of March everyone except rooms 1 and 2 walked down to Point England beach for the waka. We left at about 8:45. We all had to pair up someone, I was paired up with Lauren.
First we crossed the road to get to Point England beach. There were many schools that came. There was Point England School, Ruapotaka School, Panmure Bridge School, St Pius School and much more from the Manaiakalani cluster.
We all had to sit where the name of our school was. The waka started, the people from hawaii came sailing on a boat.The head man named “Kaihautu” was talking about the importance of learning and education. Then we all had to stand up and sing E Oho Ra for a few minutes.

After a while The man was talking about the hook that was on the manaiakalani logo. He talked about how it was linked to Maui. He explained the hook that Maui use was the hook of heaven. He explained the importance of taking care for the planet. We all then stood up again and sang He Honore. After that we sang the last song which was Nga Waka.
After the whole ceremony we all got up and had to hi fived the people that were from the waka. It was really fun. There were many different faces that I hi fived. They were all so kind and generous.
It was a really fun for but at the same time exhausting but overall I had a great day besides being hungry and thirsty.