
Wednesday, 25 June 2014

I Want to Be A Millionaire

Walt: Write in paragraphs

One Summers day I was counting my money that I saved for 3 years. It all added up to $2 000 093. I was so happy that I had so much money because I could buy anything with over 2 million dollars.

suddenly I was thinking of what I should do with this much money. I was thinking of going to the expensive shops and buying some new clothes or new shoes. But then I was thinking of my family because they have been helping me since I was a little baby. I decided to give some money to my mum and dad because they are really important to me.

After that I only had about $ 1 000 000  but thats still a ton of money. I was thinking maybe I should spend a $100 - $300 for a family vacation. I definitely decided to do that. What I did was payed for the air tickets then we waited for our plane to come. We were finally off for a family vacation to Australia.

When we came back from my trip I still had a lot of money left so I decided to go on a shopping spree. I bought so many new clothes and some shoes. But then when I came back from my shopping spree I still had some money left.

Finally I found the perfect plan for my left over money. I decided to give it to the poor and the people who need this more than me because the things that I have they don’t have. Imagine if you were poor you would feel the same way. I also decided to keep some money in my wallet so that if I needed it I could use it because you never know if you really want something or need it.

Having money is bad or good its just the way you use money like if you gamble with money thats bad because after you have gambled you realise that you have lost a ton of money. If you use it for your family and needy things in your life then that is good. As I said its the way you use money.

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Sumdog - Maths Creeper

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Sumdog - Maths

In this game you have to get to the sumdog dog to be able to do this you have to get the correct answers and avoid your eyes from getting near the lights. This game is called creeper. I came 2nd in this game. It was easy because I am used to this game. I want to learn algebra next.

Monday, 23 June 2014

Sumdog - Maths

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Sumdog - Maths

In this game you have to jump to top to be the winner you have to do that by getting the right answer. This game is called tower climber. This game was really easy because I know my maths quite well. I want to learn my algebra next.

Friday, 20 June 2014

Sumdog - Reading

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Sumdog - Submarine Reading

In this game you have to choose the correct answer and it will lower you down and get you closer to the finish line. This game is called submarine. It was easy because I am good at reading. I came 2nd because I was too slow. I want to learn more grammer.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

G.I School Jump Rope

At the end of room 11's item they did a dance to "I'm a Believer". It was really funny but atleast some people got up and did it. That was really brave of them.

Monday, 16 June 2014

Jump Rope at G.I Centre

Shiloh's group was skipping. They used two balls while they where skipping. Everyone was laughing at the end of their skipping because they were doing the action of titanic.

Jump Rope For The Heart Foundation

Lots of children laughed and were surprised. Everyone enjoyed the items though.

Friday, 13 June 2014

Jump Rope For Heart

Shanelle's group went up and presented their item. It was really fun to do. At the end we did the daggie. Everyone starrted laughing.

Monday, 9 June 2014

Dental Presentation

Screenshot 2014-06-06 at 11.16.06 AM.pngToday Mrs Wallbridge and Mrs Ross came to Glen Innes School. She talked us through the questions that room 11 raised. She answered my question which was “Why do people get ingrown teeth?”. She said that people get ingrown teeth because some people do not have enough space for the teeth to grow.

Once she finished with the questions she talked about the slide show she made about teeth. I got really anxious because the pictures of the teeth were really frightening and ugly. Mrs Wallbridge also showed us what will happen if people smoke. What happens is our teeth starts to get blackish and our mouth starts to rotten. I am surprised that we can’t drink fruit juice because it has lots of sugar in it, even though it has vitamins. Mrs Wallbridge said that the vitamins are not inside the fruit juice. The vitamins are just sugar.

Mrs Wallbridge also said that the enemy of teeth is sugar because sugar can give bad tooth aches and can make teeth go rotten. I told my mum and dad to not buy me fizzy drinks because it is bad for me. When my mum and I go Pak’n’Save next time I will tell my mum to buy lots of vegetables because I do not want to have bad teeth. I also told my mum and dad that smoking is bad for your mouth too. Even though my mum and dad does not smoke I just wanted to let them know that smoking can be very bad.

Friday, 6 June 2014

Decimals and Fractions

Walt: Revise division and fraction

I am revising my decimals and fractions because I need to know it off by heart. I used a figure it out book to revise my decimals and fractions. It was hard because I am still learning about decimals and it was easy because I know my fractions. I will try to do my best and revise it at home. Next I want to learn about literacy.