Once she finished with the questions she talked about the slide show she made about teeth. I got really anxious because the pictures of the teeth were really frightening and ugly. Mrs Wallbridge also showed us what will happen if people smoke. What happens is our teeth starts to get blackish and our mouth starts to rotten. I am surprised that we can’t drink fruit juice because it has lots of sugar in it, even though it has vitamins. Mrs Wallbridge said that the vitamins are not inside the fruit juice. The vitamins are just sugar.
Mrs Wallbridge also said that the enemy of teeth is sugar because sugar can give bad tooth aches and can make teeth go rotten. I told my mum and dad to not buy me fizzy drinks because it is bad for me. When my mum and I go Pak’n’Save next time I will tell my mum to buy lots of vegetables because I do not want to have bad teeth. I also told my mum and dad that smoking is bad for your mouth too. Even though my mum and dad does not smoke I just wanted to let them know that smoking can be very bad.
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